
Grime Buster: The Power of Truegard Solvent 105 for Industrial Cleaning

Your metalworking equipment won’t operate efficiently if it’s caked with shavings, cutting fluids, grease, and coolant. Grease and paint splatters can build over time, eventually hardening if exposed to moisture. Grime can infest the nooks and crannies of industrial machines, rendering them weak or inoperable.

It’s not just the grime that can affect machine performance–sometimes, machines are affected by the products used to clean them. Basic cleaning solvents and methods can’t remove stubborn grime, especially if it’s built up over months or years. Substandard cleaning solvents may remove some of the buildup, but anything lingering in hard-to-reach areas will remain. Some low-quality solvents can irritate the machine’s components–as well as any human skin, eyes, or lungs.

When choosing a solvent for industrial cleaning, you need to make sure that it can tackle the toughest buildup without compromising machine stability or staff safety.

Risks of Substandard Cleaning Solvent

Substandard cleaning solvents introduce more problems than they solve. They may chip away at your machine’s buildup, but looks are deceiving. Here’s why poor-quality solvents threaten your business (and your staff):

  • They’re highly corrosive. Low-quality solvents contain harsh chemicals that can corrode metal components like bearings, shafts, and electrical contacts. This can lead to premature equipment failure and costly repairs. Solvents with high amounts of ammonia and 2-Butoxyethanol can cripple machine components.

  • They’re less effective. If the solvent isn't strong enough, it won't properly remove grime and contaminants, leading to increased wear and tear on machine parts. This can shorten equipment lifespan and necessitate more frequent cleaning.

  • They’re more harmful to machines and humans. Substandard solvents might damage seals, O-rings, and other rubber or plastic components, causing leaks and compromising the machine's functionality. And if the solvent is aromatic, it may take longer to evaporate–risking the health of your shop staff.

The long-term risks of poor-quality solvents outweigh any short-term cost benefits. But choosing a high-quality solvent doesn’t mean sacrificing value. 

Value, Safety, and Power: The Truegard Solvent 105 Difference

At Keller-Heartt Oil, we aim to provide industrial companies with reliable, safe, and productive cleaning solvents. Truegard mineral spirits Petroleum Solvents, available with a 105-degree flash point, are ideal for most general-purpose industrial applications.

Here’s how Truegard solvents succeed where lower-quality solvents fail:

  • They’re less corrosive. Truegard mineral spirits are specifically formulated to minimize corrosive effects on metals. This helps protect critical machine components and other metal parts from rust and degradation, extending equipment lifespan and reducing maintenance costs. Anti-foaming agents also reduce foam buildup during cleaning, which reduces solvent waste due to overflow and makes rinsing easier.

  • They clean better. Aliphatic solvents can be formulated to fulfill very specific industrial requirements, so they’re tailored to match the complex cleaning needs of industrial equipment. Truegard solvents effectively cut through grime, grease, and coolant deposits, which minimizes friction and reduces wear and tear on the machine.

  • They’re less harmful. Compared to slow-dissolving aromatic solvents, Truegard aliphatic solvents dry quickly and leave little odor. That means they’re more likely to complete their work fast – and avoid causing staff respiratory problems from harsh fumes.

Your cleaning solvent shouldn’t disrupt production or cause harm to your staff. Check out the Truegard Solvent 105 Safety Data Sheet (SDS), to ensure it's suitable for your application and offers the anti-corrosion and anti-foaming properties you need.

If you have any questions, contact our team and we can help choose the right solvent solution for your needs.


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